No es un secreto para nadie: viajar por Indonesia no es caro. El cambio a rupiah indonesia nos favorece un montón, y eso permite al viajero experimentar cosas y adquirir productos que no se podría permitir en su propia tierra.
Durante mi aventura por Bali, aproveché esa ventaja (como no) para regalarme algún capricho y hospedarme en sitios paradisíacos que no puedo evitar compartir aquí.
El de hoy se sitúa en la costa Oeste de la isla, en la provincia de Tabanan. El hotel WakaGangga es tan impresionante que me quedaría cortísima con palabras. Por eso os dejo con algunas fotos del resort, en las que podréis entrever la magnífica villa privada con piscina que me sirvió de hogar esos dos días y de lugar de reposo antes de emprender mi ruta hacia (por segunda vez) Ubud…
Recordaré siempre el equipo increíble del hotel, sus desayunos, y la paz del lugar…¡Gracias WakaGangga!
It is not a secret at all: travelling around Indonesia is not expensive. The change to Indonesian rupiah helps us a lot, and that allows travelers from Europe and other areas of the world to experience things and acquire products they couldn’t afford in their own countries. During my adventure, I took advantage of it a couple of times (ahah) to give myself a treat by staying in paradisiacal places that I had to share with you here.The place I’m talking about today is located on the west coast of the island, in the province of Tabanan. The WakaGangga hotel is so impressive that I wouldn’t be able at all to describe it with short words. That’s why I’m going to leave you with some pictures of the resort, which will be more able to, at least, draw some lines of the magnificent private villa with pool that was my home for a couple of days there and my dreamy resting place before taking the road to Ubud again…I will always remember the wonderful team of that hotel, their breakfast, and the amazing feeling of peace of the place … Thank you WakaGangga!
Hotel Waka Gangga, Tabanan
Tabanan Market
Tabanan City
Waka Gangga Hotel, Tabanan
Waka Gangga Hotel, Tabanan
Waka Gangga Hotel, Tabanan
Waka Gangga Hotel, Tabanan
Lunch at a local warung, Tabanan
Waka Gangga Hotel
Waka Gangga Hotel (The Spa)
Waka Gangga Hotel (The Spa)
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