by administrator-waka | Mar 20, 2020 | Bali History, Blog
Courtesy of This year Nyepi will be observed on the 25th March, which falls on the first new moon of the month. It is the Day of Silence when, for twenty-four hours, the entire island will embrace the natural elements with silence from 6 a.m. Wednesday...
by administrator-waka | Mar 20, 2020 | Bali History, Blog, Waka Hotels and Resorts
Courtesy of Instagram account: @angligan On the penultimate day before Day of Silence (Nyepi) the entire island of Bali is transformed into one fascinating and scary ogre theme park of sorts. Every village boasts of giant effigies in the form of fantasy monsters with...
by administrator-waka | Mar 10, 2020 | Bali History, Blog, Waka Hotels and Resorts
©Courtesy of Instagram account @sulastudio Three days prior to Nyepi, the Day of Silence, the ritual of purification by Tirta Amerta (Water of Life) of all sacred objects from temples, Pratima shrines, Barong, Rangda etc. is elaborately performed on the seashore all...
by administrator-waka | Mar 3, 2020 | Blog, Waka Hotels and Resorts
Citied from Sensation Voyage Bali is a destination more and more visited every year. Passing from 1 million tourists in 2000 to more than 15 million in 2018, the Island of the Gods has above all become the island of tourists. It becomes difficult to find natural, calm...
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